· There will also be a FREE VOD on ZBFW, that should be finished within a week or so. Enjoy and I hope to see you guys later. – Narbik Kocharians CCSI#, CCIE# (RS, SP, Security) bltadwin.ru Sr. Technical Instructor YES! We take Cisco Learning Credits!Author: Nickelby. Free CCIE Practice Labs. Hello CLN. While I was browsing the CCIE Flyer, I stumbled upon a free resource that might be of interest to some CCNP/CCIE candidates. The labs are by Narbik Kocharians. Thank you Narbik for the free learning material and thank you for being a part of the CLN community. In case you haven't seen this. CCIE RS by Narbik Kocharians FREE Labs P age 6 of File Size: 1MB.
Narbik Kocharians, CCIE No. (Routing and Switching, Security, SP), is a Triple CCIE with more than 32 years of experience in the IT industry. He has designed, implemented, and supported numerous enterprise networks. Narbik is the president of Micronics Training, Inc., where he teaches CCIE RS and SP boot camps. There will also be a FREE VOD on ZBFW, that should be finished within a week or so. Enjoy and I hope to see you guys later. - Narbik Kocharians CCSI#, CCIE# (RS, SP, Security) bltadwin.ru Sr. Technical Instructor YES! We take Cisco Learning Credits! An attempt by a man named Nickelby to obtain his CCIE before he dies:). Here lies his thoughts and his stories not to forget some Wiresharking here and there and a little StormTrooping along the way. Note that most of the posts here are non-technical but instead focuses on the fun-part, tools and bootcamps for the CCIE certification!
CCIE Routing and Switching v Foundations: Bridging the Gap Between CCNP and CCIE - Ebook written by Narbik Kocharians. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read CCIE Routing and Switching v Foundations: Bridging the Gap Between CCNP and CCIE. Free CCIE Practice Labs. Hello CLN. While I was browsing the CCIE Flyer, I stumbled upon a free resource that might be of interest to some CCNP/CCIE candidates. The labs are by Narbik Kocharians. Thank you Narbik for the free learning material and thank you for being a part of the CLN community. In case you haven't seen this. Narbik’s boot camp was amazing and I will probably do another free reseat at some point. If however, you cannot afford the travel and boot camp fee, the value for his work books is phenomenal. I have taken the hands on test once and what i can say is that no single bootcamp or set of labs would completely get you % ready for the lab.