· How to Track PDF Downloads with GTM. Here are the steps that you will need to do in order to track PDF downloads with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics: Create a link click trigger (bltadwin.ru files) Enable Click-related variables. Create a Google Analytics event tag. Insert Click URL variable in that tag. Set this tag to fire only when the Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. · You can use a custom-built JavaScript code to track PDF file downloads as events. This JavaScript code should be present in pages that have links to PDF files. It must be placed in its bltadwin.ru file and reside inside the section of pages containing PDF file links. A good jQuery v+ on() method script can be found on this web bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 8 mins. Oh, by the way, you can use these same methods for tracking any other file type download (zip, audio, video, etc.). Tracking PDF Downloads. Usually, a link to a PDF file will look something like this: Download our Event Tracking Whitepaper I’m going to show you two ways to track this PDF link – One using the id or class .
This is an emerging file download monitoring plugins that has a very elegant user interface. Some of the features of this plugin include IP address tracking of the users who access the file; Tracking of number of downloads of each of your file; Tracking of visitors' country; Get the plugin from the WordPress repository: Download monitor. 4. By default, Google Analytics is great at measuring your traffic, but it doesn't keep track of file downloads. File download data is crucial for your website specially if you offer: image downloads zip files PDFs MP3s Word documents video files and more you NEED to know whether your audience is actually downloading them. Which downloads are [ ]. Download our free day trial of Nitro PDF Pro to quickly and easily create, convert, combine, edit, sign, and share PDFs. No fine print and no credit required. Experience for yourself why over , customers rely on Nitro every day.
To track PDF opens, check the box ‘log document views’ To track PDF prints (printing must be allowed), check the box ‘log print requests’ PDF Tracker Software. Using Enterprise PDF DRM Security software you can track PDF documents to see who has opened (viewed) and printed them. See what users are opening your documents. Tracker Software Products develops fast, light PDF software for viewing, converting, and editing PDF documents, with unparalleled support and service, including the Best PDF Reader - as voted by Life Hacker Readers. How to track PDF files with Digify. Whether you’re using the Send Files section or Data Rooms section, Digify’s tracking features can let you know who viewed your files as well as the location and duration of views. You can also know how many times your files have been viewed, printed, or downloaded.