Download (Ext.) The Yasraena mod is full of banters, and it adds two quests to SoA and an encounter to ToB. Yasraena is a good drow, with a background to explain her good tendencies. She comes with some custom equipment, is fully voiced and has her own portrait. A light version of . Sheena - The Half Dragon Tale Sheena's story begins in Firkraag's lair at level in a prison cell next to Garren's child. Sheena is a neutral good half red dragon multiclass Fighter / Wizard. Her half dragon form is hidden most of the time (cities, forests) to balance the game. Epic Endeavours May 23 Released Role Playing. Epic Endeavours is a mod for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. It's essentially a hack 'n' slash .
Download Link. This mod is an addition — or alternative — to BG2 EE Portraits. It adds a collection of new portraits to the game that are lore friendly, meaning they fit in with those found in. The mod allows the player to meet Kimmuriel Oblodra, the current leader of Bregan D'aerthe, and travel with him to Menzoberranzan to confront a powerful Matron Mother, rescue Jarlaxle, and receive some unexpected help from Artemis Entreri. The mod begins in Chapter 6 as soon as you enter Waukeen's Promenade in Athkatla. Download BG2:EE Emily. Neutral Good. Download Support Forum Biography She has nine talks in BG:EE and six in SoD, cross-mod with other Skitia NPCs and AionZ's Sirene NPC Mod. In BG:EE/SoD she can be pursued for a romance with best success by any tall male, while in BG2 there is no gender restriction, the race restrictions still apply (No.
Download (Ext.) The Yasraena mod is full of banters, and it adds two quests to SoA and an encounter to ToB. Yasraena is a good drow, with a background to explain her good tendencies. She comes with some custom equipment, is fully voiced and has her own portrait. A light version of this mod is available at MB. Epic Endeavours May 23 Released Role Playing. Epic Endeavours is a mod for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. It's essentially a hack 'n' slash mod with a storyline not dependent on the Baldur's Gate. 1MB. Download. The ADPack is a WeiDU-based mod for Baldur's Gate II. It aims to fix/tweak/enhance arcane and divine spells in the game's final release. Various bugs are removed, some of the weaker spells are improved, and a few spells are completely remade. Teleport Spell by Razfallow. Download.