· Get Info. When you right-click an item on your Mac, you have a Get Info option in the context menu. By clicking Get Info, you can see all sorts of details about the file or folder. Expand General in the Get Info pop-up window if necessary and next to Where you’ll see the path for the item. · Ctrl -click (or two finger click) on the file you want the path from, then press Opt and select "Copy as path name" (or what it's called in english) from the context menu. You can also just select the file and then press Opt-Cmd-C to copy the pathname to the clipboard. Share. · You can easily access the Downloads folder is easily accessed from Finder’s sidebar. If you don’t see it under Favorites, go to Finder Preferences, and turn it on in the Sidebar tab. You can also quickly get to it from Go Downloads (Option+Command+L). .
Select Preferences. Scroll down the settings on the side menu until you see Advanced. Click on it. Choose Downloads. Click on Change next to Location and select the folder you want your downloads. To get to any of the hidden folders, you just need to know the path to that folder. Remember that OS X uses a "/private" directory for some of the hidden folders, so to go to "/etc", for example, you'd enter /private/etc in the Go To Folder box. Once you've entered your destination, the Finder will switch and display that folder's contents. This is a fairly simple hint, and a variation on this previous hint, that gives you quick access to the contents of a Finder's folder (eg: Downloads) from Safari via a bookmark. Simply add a new Bookmark entry (Bar or Menu, your choice), with the desired file:///-type folder path as described in the prior hint, but then bltadwin.ru_Store to the path like so.
let fileManager = bltadwin.rut let documentsURL = bltadwin.ru(bltadwin.runtDirectory, bltadwin.rumainMask)[0] do { let fileURLs = try bltadwin.rutsOfDirectory(at: documentsURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) // process files } catch { print("Error while enumerating files \(bltadwin.ru): \(bltadwin.ruzedDescription)") }. Click on Finder. Click View in the upper bar. Click Show Path Bar. Interestingly, the file path will immediately appear underneath the Finder window. Now, Control + Click the file you want the location for. Hold the Option key. You will see the new command that has appeared in the context menu — Copy . as Pathname. For Downloads: NSDownloadsDirectory. 2nd Way: Not the best way but we can get path by this method also. Use Localization for different languages. $Home Directory of Current User: [NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()]; $Home/Desktop [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop"]]; $Home/Documents.